Friday, January 24, 2014

Jergens BB Cream for the body

Ok, this stuff is legit & I cannot wait to see the hoards of designer products that follow in good ole Jergens’ footsteps.  I am using the “medium-deep” formula because I couldn’t find the “fair” one on shelves anywhere.  I do think the “fair” would suit my needs better as my main issue is redness (i.e. blood vessels and capillaries) & apparently that formula is more geared towards the spectrum of redness control but, the “deep” formula has been quite lovely too.

I waited 5 days to get the full effect before posting my review & while the results aren’t amazing they most definitely are significant.  This formula essentially blurs all imperfections and makes them far less obvious.  It also adds a hint of sheen to your skin which gives you a subtle luminous look.  It comes out of the tube pinkish in color w a hint of shimmer but instantly disappears on your skin – it doesn’t dirty up cuticles like Jergens’ Glow products or self tanner do and I’ve actually liked how it has made my hands look less red and more even toned.  I’m a former sun worshipper and I have spent a ton of money, time & effort trying to undo damage from my younger and less wiser years (I’m like a wise wizard now)… Now, I in all honesty have actually learned to love my pale skin BUT pale skin requires maintenance.  There are veins, bruises, dark spots, red patches, marks from shaving, scars, and all kinds of shit that makes pale skin look messy, unkempt and not so healthy whereas if you’re tan all that “shit” is just kind of hidden behind a veil of dark albeit damaged brown skin.  

I’m liking best what a difference this BB cream has made on my chest (where even laser therapy couldn’t correct all my sun spots) and on my legs as I see them a lot in my barre and yoga classes and am usually appalled by their appearance this time of year.  I feel like all my imperfections are way less imperfect & when I tried on a bikini in my bathroom the other night I felt pretty confident about my pale ass self too.  Fist pump.  Buy this and immediately boost your skin insecurities!  I feel like come Spring I’ll be slathering on WAY less self tanner this year. 

Also of note, I swear this cream actually smells fresh & nice!

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